We share a meal in the Great Hall as we remember Jesus’ last supper with his friends, then share communion and foot washing with one another as Jesus commanded us to do.
A solemn service of prayer, mourning and hope as we gather around the cross of Christ.
This is the most ancient worship of the Christian Church. The service begins with a new fire in the darkness and a procession of light. We share the stories of God’s salvation from the beginning of time, remember our baptism and share the first Eucharist of the resurrection.
Share the joy of the resurrection and Christ’s victory over death in this worship celebration!
In worship this Sunday we ring bells and make a joyful noise a custom rooted in the musings of early church theologians that God played a practical joke on the devil by raising Jesus from the dead. The custom was called "Risus paschalis – the Easter laugh" by early theologians. Bring you bell or other […]
The book chosen for this month is “The Art Thief´ by Michael Finkel. Beth Berkani will lead the discussion. All are welcome to join in even if you haven’t read the book. The group meets in the church library.