“A Compelling Christian Couple from London.” Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning shared their collective talent within a courtship and marriage that became famous. A look at each poet, separately, but especially together, illuminates our understanding of Love itself. A must for all Christians! Joy McLemore concludes the class this Sunday in the Multi-Purpose Room following […]
We will gather for a bring your own supper at 6:00pm in the Great Hall followed by a study on Lessons from Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World on Fire” at 6:15pm.
Lent Worship services are on Wednesday evening at 7:30pm (Note the later time). We will use the popular Holden Evening Prayer Service. VOLUNTEER TO BE A READER at one of the services. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.
Look Back/Talk Back – Pastor TJ will lead a conversation first looking back on recent Adult Ed programs (feedback!!) and then looking forward to “Honoring our Neighbor’s Faith”, an Augsburg Press series presenting “A Lutheran Perspective on Faith Traditions in America”. During May and June, Pastor TJ will lead several Adult Ed sessions using this […]
We will gather for a bring your own supper at 6:00pm in the Great Hall followed by a study on Lessons from Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World on Fire” at 6:15pm.
Lent Worship services are on Wednesday evening at 7:30pm (Note the later time). We will use the popular Holden Evening Prayer Service. VOLUNTEER TO BE A READER at one of the services. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.