Come give blood on Saturday, Mar. 1, from 9-2:00pm. It’s not too late to sign up. Drop ins are accepted. Sign up at: using the GLC code
Collected the SECOND SUNDAY of each month. Our kids Sunday school decides how to allocate funds, and has been choosing things from the ELCA Good Gifts catalog to help people around the world have sustainable livelihood. What will they pick next?
On Mar. 9, at 4:30pm, Gethsemane will present “Music with Friends”, a concert featuring GLC musicians and their friends, including Sharon Walton’s group, Barbara Ford’s Cecily Ensemble, Stephen Smith, Jan Patton, and the GLC choir! This concert is free and open to the public, so bring a friend! A free will donation will be collected […]
LMC Maple Syrup Festival at HopeWood Pines from 11am-3pm (whatever portion of that works for you). Fun for ALL ages with all-you-can eat pancakes, maple sausage, live music from a local band, sassafras tea, donuts cooked over an open fire, nature hikes, and more! See how maple syrup is made! Free admission, but bring money […]
Lent Worship services are on Wednesday evening at 7:30pm (Note the later time). We will use the popular Holden Evening Prayer Service. VOLUNTEER TO BE A READER at one of the services. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.
We will gather for a bring your own supper at 6:00pm in the Great Hall followed by a study on Lessons from Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World on Fire” at 6:15pm.
Saturday morning open play from 8:30-10:30am for ages 0-5 in the Great Hall. Parent/caregiver must stay. Coffee & water provided. (Bring Your Own Snacks.) This will be a fun, safe space for little ones to play! We’re inviting P&L and would love to have some GLC families too!
GAME NIGHT for ALL ages in the Great Hall. Bring your favorite game(s) to share. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors!
Join the Outreach Ministry Team for an inspiring and informative session focused on living a healthier lifestyle. Stay Active, Stay Strong, Stay Happy! Cassie Jacobs, a fitness and nutrition coach, and nurse with certifications in NASM, CPR, and Behavioral Change, will lead the session. She'll share valuable insights on using movement and food as powerful tools […]
Lent Worship services are on Wednesday evening at 7:30pm (Note the later time). We will use the popular Holden Evening Prayer Service. VOLUNTEER TO BE A READER at one of the services. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.
We will gather for a bring your own supper at 6:00pm in the Great Hall followed by a study on Lessons from Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World on Fire” at 6:15pm.
Lent Worship services are on Wednesday evening at 7:30pm (Note the later time). We will use the popular Holden Evening Prayer Service. VOLUNTEER TO BE A READER at one of the services. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.
We will gather for a bring your own supper at 6:00pm in the Great Hall followed by a study on Lessons from Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World on Fire” at 6:15pm.