Midweek connections will reconvene December 4 @ 10:30 for what will surely be a wonderful time of formation & fellowship! I hope you'll plan to join us!
Midweek connections will reconvene December 4 @ 10:30 for what will surely be a wonderful time of formation & fellowship! I hope you'll plan to join us!
Midweek connections will reconvene December 4 @ 10:30 for what will surely be a wonderful time of formation & fellowship! I hope you'll plan to join us!
On Saturday, Nov. 23, we will give out turkeys and side dish fixings to Food Pantry clients. If you would like to contribute a turkey or two, please sign up on the sheet in the narthex or call (614-885-4319) or email the church office (glcoffice@gethsemane.org). If you prefer, you can donate money and one of […]
Midweek connections will reconvene December 4 @ 10:30 for what will surely be a wonderful time of formation & fellowship! I hope you'll plan to join us!
We will celebrate Reformation Sunday in worship followed by activities and a potbrunch in the Great Hall. Please sign up in the narthex to indicate what you will bring and how many will attend from your family. Start thinking of ideas for our ANNUAL JELLO CONTEST. Pictures of previous year’s entries are in Atrium Way […]
The book Group meets on Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 7:00pm in the church library. Sarah Hahn leads the discussion of David Brooks’ book How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen. All are welcome.