A.A. & Al Anon

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Play & Learn Chapel

GLC - Sanctuary 35 E Stanton Ave, Columbus, OH, United States

Book Group

GLC - Library 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

The book chosen for this month is “The Art Thief´ by Michael Finkel. Beth Berkani will lead the discussion. All are welcome to join in even if you haven’t read the book. The group meets in the church library.

Gethsemane Moves

GLC - Great Hall 35 E Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Food Pantry

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Staff Meeting

GLC - Conference Room 35 E Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Handbell Rehearsal

GLC - Sanctuary 35 E Stanton Ave, Columbus, OH, United States