Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States
Event Series Adult Education

Adult Education

GLC - Multi-Purpose Room 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Look Back/Talk Back – Pastor TJ will lead a conversation first looking back on recent Adult Ed programs (feedback!!) and then looking forward to “Honoring our Neighbor’s Faith”, an Augsburg Press series presenting “A Lutheran Perspective on Faith Traditions in America”.  During May and June, Pastor TJ will lead several Adult Ed sessions using this […]

A.A. & Al Anon

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States