Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Food Pantry

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States
Event Series Supper & Study

Supper & Study

GLC - Great Hall 35 E Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

We will gather for a bring your own supper at 6:00pm in the Great Hall followed by a study on Lessons from Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World on Fire” at 6:15pm.

Staff Meeting

GLC - Conference Room 35 E Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States