Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Food Pantry

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States
Event Series Supper & Study

Supper & Study

GLC - Great Hall 35 E Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

We will gather for a bring your own supper at 6:00pm in the Great Hall followed by a study on Lessons from Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World […]

Staff Meeting

GLC - Conference Room 35 E Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States

Handbell Rehearsal

GLC - Sanctuary 35 E Stanton Ave, Columbus, OH, United States

Piano Practice

GLC - Sanctuary 35 E Stanton Ave, Columbus, OH, United States

Music Lessons

Gethsemane Lutheran Church 35 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH, United States